Leaf Vac Redesign And Development
This article describes how IdealPro helped a client transform his leaf collection system from an expensive prototype into a high-quality, mass-producible product. During this process, we redesigned and tested the core components, reducing overall costs by more than 50%.

William is from Canada. Every autumn, fallen leaves cover the ground, making yard cleaning a tedious task. Traditional methods like raking or using a leaf blower vacuum are inefficient and exhausting. While leaf blower vacuums have certain advantages, the heavy backpack quickly fills up, and the cumbersome operation made William realize the need for a more efficient solution.

This realization sparked a new idea: why not directly funnel the leaves into green garbage bags instead of first collecting them in fabric bags? This idea led him to experiment with various methods to simplify the cleaning process. After years of development and iteration, he finally designed a revolutionary solution that completely transformed the way leaves are collected.

This product is a leaf collection system specifically designed for leaf blower vacuums. It effortlessly collects leaves directly into green garbage bags without the need to bend over or dirty your hands. It’s compatible with both paper and plastic bags and comes with a universal adapter that can connect to most leaf blower vacuums. A self-cleaning filtration system ensures that clean air is expelled while the leaves are safely contained in the bag.

William developed the first generation of the Leaf Vac product, but this version was not produced using molds; it involved a lot of CNC parts and manual assembly, which led to high costs and unsatisfactory quality. If mass production was to be achieved, this design would certainly not be accepted by the market.

William approached IdealPro, hoping to redesign the second generation of the Leaf Vac product. The new generation needed to reduce costs by more than 50%, improve quality, and include a simple yet efficient self-cleaning filtration system that ensures the leaves safely enter the garbage bag while clean air is expelled. We redesigned most of the components as injection-molded parts. Given the significant investment in injection molds, we simplified the complexity of the parts as much as possible.

“When William presented his idea to us, I knew it was an exciting project and one where we could excel in meeting the client’s needs. The client had a very clear understanding of their needs, had already validated the market with a prototype, and had a defined price range and quality requirements,” said Alex, Product Director at IdealPro.

During the project development, IdealPro's technical team faced several challenges, such as designing a universal connector that would be compatible with most leaf blower vacuums, ensuring the hose’s flexibility and durability while controlling costs. The technical team continuously tested various materials and structures, ultimately finding the optimal solution.

William was thrilled with the successful development of the product: “Developing a fully functional prototype was a huge challenge, but turning that prototype into a high-quality product suitable for mass production while keeping it competitively priced was an even greater challenge. Initially, I collaborated with suppliers in Canada and China to produce a basic version and sold 1,800 units. However, due to high costs and substandard quality, the project stalled until I met IdealPro. Their expertise, resources, and manufacturing capabilities helped me turn the prototype into a viable product.

While creating a prototype is relatively simple, optimizing it into a high-quality product suitable for mass manufacturing is the biggest challenge. IdealPro's technical team not only helped me overcome these challenges but exceeded my expectations. In less than a year, we successfully developed injection molds and ultimately delivered a high-quality product.”

At IdealPro, we are committed to helping innovators like William realize their dreams. We listen to their needs, support their ideas, but also point out their mistakes and provide sound advice. Through collaboration, we not only witness the success of the product but also reflect the true value of IdealPro - “SHAPING YOUR IDEAS WITH PRECISION AND QUALITY.